Fast and Non-Intrusive Data Protection with EMC ProtectPoint
At Mega Launch this year EMC announce a product called ProtectPoint which stands ready to change the way we think about backups in the datacenter. With modern data protection solutions we struggle to maintain a delicate balance between backup performance, data protection, and recoverability. This balance has left us with host intrusive and backend intensive data protection processes on complex and costly backup infrastructure. Many companies have looked to snapshots technologies to help improve the speed at which they meet stringent protection requirements, but snapshots are not backups unless the data is copied to a secondary media. A snapshot depends on the original data existing and being functional. That means if the primary storage were to become unavailable so does the snapshot. That is a huge gap in recoverability. EMC ProtectPoint will help you bridge the gap between snapshot technologies and backup storage media by combining the performance of snapshots with the functionality of backups. ProtectPoint accomplishedRead More →